Dedicated server is some kind of internet hosting in which the server will be used completely dedicated.
Since servers cannot be kept everywhere and required special conditions and as providing of the mentioned conditions shall required high costs therefore ordinary people might use big webhosting company's servers and services by paying much less payments.
The users which own popular websites with high number of visitors in which momentous information are contained, and the administrators wish to have stable Mail server and completely have control and supervision on the websites, they place their website on a dedicated server.
Due to non-sharing of hardware and software resources a dedicated server has much more security, high speed with no Fluctuations in speed and wide band width comparing with undedicated servers.
Installing any EXE program on a dedicated server is as easy as installation on a PC.
Pars Data by recognize requirement that have been told and also by recognize server usage and features and necessary standards, provide a suitable situation to offer dedicated server.